Monday, July 16, 2012

Musical Challenge...

Seeing as I love music, I've been thinking of a challenge that would make me understand myself more.  I know that there are different ways to understand someone.  One is to look at their library.  The other is to look at their music collection.  If you saw mine then you would say, what the hell?

I've decided to write a review of every album I own on i-tunes daily from AA Bondy to Zoo Kid and all the numbered artists along the way in alphabetically order.  This is going to take a long time so I hope you are ready for a journey. Some of the reviews will suck and some will be awesome.  Some will be more referential to a time in my life while others will just be about the music.  I will do the best to make sure that I include some sort of tunes in each review as well.

Included throughout this trip will be reviews of new music that I get along the way that I feel needs to be talked about right away as opposed to three years from now when I finally get to the letter H.  I will also try to review the first album release up to the most recent release in an artists' collection of multiple releases.  Just so you know, there is no uniformity in my catalog.  Fiona Apple is under A for Apple, Fiona, while Nina Simone is under N for Nina Simone.  If you need some comedy to help you get through the process, watch this.

Look forward to an array of variety and hopefully I can help your ears become in tune with total awesomeness.  See you Monday with AA Bondy's "When the Devil's Loose."

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