Monday, April 23, 2012

Musical Monday!!!

This past weekend was Record Store weekend.  If you are a partial hipster or into indie music or actually own/collect vinyl, then you know all about it.  If you are none of the above, well you are in luck because I'm gonna let you in on a secret.  There are many bands out there that still release tracks on vinyl.  It is usually an A-B side record with two to four tracks on it.  They are usually collectors items and rarefied gems from bands.  Sometimes it is the only place to be able to hear a certain song ever.

It is a truly awesome feeling when you finally get your hands on to a piece of music that isn't out yet.  While this makes me sound like a hipster douche bag, I am.  I have no problem with saying that.  This weekend we saw about 45 bands release new vinyl.  I'm sure if you go into any local record store, they should be sold out of all of it.

So as we get closer to the summer and end of spring, the amount of new music to hit the streets is going to be unreal.  Usually there is an inordinate number of bands with new music out, but it seems that this year might be one of the best in recent memory.  Mostly because it's been about 2 years since many had their last release.  My personal most anticipated is the new Beach House album "Bloom."  If you haven't ever heard their music or of them, this is the B-side from their record day release:

Beach House - Equal Mind by Turntable Kitchen

It's an awesome song and then it ends.  That is the part that makes me mad and sad at the same time.  You get sucked into the loop and the beat and then it's over.  There is no dramatic downtime to take you out of the song.  Nothing to get you ready for the next track.  That though is what makes it an awesome track.  Very melodic and beautifully sung.  They are on tour right now and I plan on going to see them.  (Fingers crossed).  If you get the chance, go see them.  By your tickets early because IT WILL sell out. (I tried to get my cousin tickets as a thank you gift and it was sold out.  Stupid B-ham hipsters.  Stealing a night from my cousin.)

Fiona Apple - "Every Single Night"As for another release of equal taste and absence is the new Fiona Apple album.  You remember her, right?  The one of "This is all bullshit" fame.  The sometimes sickly skinny chick who wails in her songs about a hurt you can never understand but feel slightly familiar with.  She performed at South x Southwest in Austin this year and crushed it.  This is the first release from her new album "The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than The Driver Of The Screw, And Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do."  Just a small mouthful of a title, but you get the point of the title quickly.  Her new album comes out in June.  I might actually buy this one.

Every Single Night by fionaapple

As it is a slightly dreary day here in Charlotte, I find that songs like this actually fit my mood today very well.  Sometimes you just need a song that is both chill and hip at the same time.  Something to relax and relieve you.  Something that says "Play me.  And play me a lot."


  1. I loved these two tunes!!! Especially Beach House. Thanks..Im always looking for new music to love and new blogs to read! Ive enjoyed stopping by today.

  2. Thank you for coming. There will defintely be a lot more music coming and plenty of it very random.
